Our “Policy and Society” year-round curriculum is a modular public-policy course that aligns with Virginia Standards of Learning assessments in Civics and Economics; Probability and Statistics; Economics and Personal Finance; and English, as well as the five core competencies needed for graduation: Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Citizenship.

The curriculum affords the synergy of integrated themes and the progression of skills development as students complete modules and workshops focused on three types of understanding: conceptual, scaffolding (i.e., the integration of skills across new conceptual frameworks), and analyzing. In addition to enriching already-existing curricula at high schools, “Policy and Society” helps schools meet academic, equity, and student satisfaction goals. The program’s curriculum, faculty, and structure can help reduce absenteeism, improve graduation rates, and increase the number of students enrolling in two-year and four-year colleges and universities.

But above all, “Policy and Society” gives students the tools, intellectual as well as practical, to succeed academically and envision themselves as making a difference in the world. They will understand, too, how to use their skills to foster a more equitable and inclusive future for the region, the state, and the nation. The course, rigorous yet sensitive to the educational and social needs of students at varying levels of performance, will supplement their knowledge and experience and encourage academic and professional accomplishment.


The in-person Summer Academy for Policy Leadership and Public Service program has been postponed indefinitely due to covid-19.

The Summer Academy for Policy Leadership and Public Service (the Summer Academy), is a program for gifted, talented, and high-potential high school and college students. The Summer Academy’s purpose is to bolster diversity and to help its graduates enter the academic pipelines for policy-related programs in Richmond and beyond. Rising high school sophomores, juniors, seniors, recent high school graduates, and college students admitted to the Summer Academy will take part in an engaging and challenging educational program, including hands-on experience. Their learning focused on real-world policy issues, and challenges will offer them opportunities to research, design, and conduct significant policy-related projects.

The Summer Academy will combine fun with intensive learning. Each rigorous but rewarding two-week session will offer public-policy coursework. Top professors, policy experts, and leading decision-makers will introduce program participants to policy formation and analysis, economics, public administration, research methods, and statistics, as well as critical thinking, advocacy, and effective, readable writing. (Course contact hours will exceed those in a standard 16-week (3 credit- hour) semester course.)


The Summer Academy for Policy Leadership and Public Service is going virtual. Our online learning management system (LMS) allows The Summer Academy to remotely provide instruction, facilitate workshops, and coordinate group activities and interactions. We are happy that we can offer our exciting, engaging, and timely program through a distance learning platform for youth who are interested in public policies and their impacts on individuals, organizations, and communities!

The Summer Academy for Policy Leadership and Public Service Online (The Summer Academy Online) will run June 26 - July 9, 2022. Our distance learning program uses the Policy Pathways curriculum and is structured like our traditional face-to-face program. The Summer Academy Online will combine intensive learning experiences with fun activities. The two-week session will offer engaging and rewarding public policy coursework. Top professors in their fields, policy experts, and leading decision-makers will introduce program participants to policy formation and analysis, economics, public administration, research methods, and statistics, as well as critical thinking, advocacy, and writing strategies. Course content will focus on real-world policy issues and offer opportunities to research, design, and conduct policy-related projects through capstone teams. Program participants will have the opportunity to interact extensively with faculty members and classmates in virtual classrooms.


Saturday, April 13, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Calling all high school students, recent graduates, university and college students, and parents! Policy Pathways and partners invite you to the Pathways to LIFE Abroad International Education and Global Careers Fair! 

Please join us at Huguenot High School on Saturday, April 13, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

The international education will showcase international affairs degree programs and promote different study abroad organizations and their respective program options, e.g., short-term, semester, and year-long programs. Research shows an underrepresentation of students of color enrolled in study abroad programs. A lack of knowledge about international education opportunities and study abroad programs is a barrier that students of color have indicated as a reason for their lack of participation. Our goal is to help address this disparity by introducing Richmond youth and young adults to study abroad opportunities and international affairs degree programs.

The fair is sponsored by Richmond Public Schools; the Commonwealth (VA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated; Policy Pathways, Inc.; the City of Richmond Mayor’s Youth Academy; Virginia Union University, and the VCU L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs.

What to expect:

  • College and university representatives
  • Study abroad programs
  • Giveaways
  • Free lunch
  • Three panel discussions:
    • Study Abroad Opportunities: Creating Pathways to Higher Education 
    • International Education: Why It Matters
    • Global Careers in a Culture of Internationalization 
  • Past study abroad participants

All students must register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6e5vVECFq4r3xaEChQgZX0K6rgjLN3fBxbC-_thdfZTpHdQ/viewform or through the QR code.


Graduates of Policy Pathways programs can take advantage of the Policy Pathways Internship Program, where they will have the opportunity to work with top professors, elected and appointed government officials, and community policy leaders and decision-makers. Interns will participate in training sessions and provide research and administrative support in such areas as legislative research and drafting, data analysis, and government and community relations. Interns may assist in developing issue papers, talking points, presentations, and quantitative analyses, as they also gain firsthand insight into legislative and political affairs.


The Policy Pathways Consulting Group (PPCG) partners with elected and appointed officials, government entities, legislative bodies, businesses, nonprofits, and public institutions to address complex research and policy problems. PPGC provides youth and young adults who are graduates of the Summer Academy for Policy Leadership and Public Service the opportunity to work with top decision-makers and professional consultants to offer clients cost-effective solutions while building the skills and experiences of future policy leaders and decision-makers.

PPCG conducts research for and advises individuals, legislative bodies, governmental entities, nonprofit organizations, and private corporations on legislative initiatives, regulatory issues, and strategic planning and decisions using quantitative and qualitative analysis.


PPCG teams advise clients across government departments, governing bodies (e.g., city councils, school boards, and boards of supervisors), nonprofit organizations, and for-profit businesses. Our goal is to provide opportunities for high school and college students to develop their skills and abilities by drawing upon their knowledge and experiences; translating new information, data, and frameworks; and applying knowledge and information to real-world actionable projects. We offer well-researched and analyzed solutions for elected and appointed governmental bodies and public institutions and the broad spectrum of businesses and organizations affected by policy and political decisions.


PPCG recruits team participants that are committed to excelling academically and professionally in policy-related fields. Prospective team members must demonstrate a strong interest in or ability to perform policy and legislative research, engage in policy-focused problem-solving projects, or address regulatory or government relations issues.

PPCG applicants must have completed a two-week session of The Summer Academy for Policy Leadership and Public Service or a year-round Policy Pathways high school college preparatory program. PPCG provides additional training, experiences, and support to ensure that PPCG offers excellent services and produces high-quality quantitative and qualitative products. Our consulting program aims to bolster the communication skills, leadership abilities, and technical expertise of team members in policy and legislative arenas and prepare PPCG team members for future success in academic degree programs and in the public and private sectors.


The Policy Pathways Consulting Group (PPCG) partners with elected and appointed officials, government entities, legislative bodies, businesses, non-profits, and public institutions. PPCG administrative coordinators serve as advisors to research teams. Our services include legislative research, policy analysis, assessment projects, and more.

PPCG teams are committed to working together and for our clients. PPCG addresses complex research and policy problems to meet the needs of clients who are responding to critical legislative issues, policy reforms, and political challenges and opportunities in communities and society. PPCG offers cost-effective solutions to clients while helping to build the skills and experiences of future policy leaders and decision-makers. We aim to increase diversity in the pipeline of prospective students interested in enrolling in degree programs or working in policy-related fields in the public and private sectors. Our goal is to provide clients with the information needed to make effective decisions and improve policymaking.

Policy Pathways, Inc., does not discriminate on the basis of gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or other legally protected characteristics in any program, activity, admission, or employment.